Strategic Management Journal Wiley Online Library
The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish papers that ask and help to answer important and interesting questions in strategic management, develop and/or test theory, replicate prior Advanced2023年9月6日 苏敬勤教授团队在国际顶级期刊“Strategic Management Journal”上发表了关于企业最优区分策略的研究论文,该论文是国家社会科学基金重大项目的成果。论文整合了最优区 我院在国际顶级期刊“Strategic Management Journal”上在线 The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic Strategic Management Journal Wiley Online Library
Strategic Management Journal 百度百科
《Strategic Management Journal》(简称SMJ)是一份全球 战略管理 研究领域最顶级的学术期刊,专注于战略管理领域的研究和实践。 它创刊于1980年,由John Wiley Sons Inc和John 4 天之前 SMJ is the world’s leading mass impact journal for research in strategic management, publishing papers on theory, methods, and phenomena Learn about SMJ's editorial leadership, submission guidelines, special issues, and Strategic Management Journal SMSThe Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic Strategic Management Journal: Author Guidelines Wiley Strategic Management Journal publishes original refereed material concerned with all aspects of strategic management It is devoted to the improvement and further development of the theory Strategic Management Journal JSTOR
Strategic Management Journal Wiley
2022年5月11日 Request Digital Evaluation Copy Strategic Management Journal Edited By:Sendil Ethiraj, Alfonso Gambardella, Constance Helfat Vol 39 (13 Issues in 2018 )Print 2024年6月20日 The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and Strategic Management Journal 科研通The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic Strategic Management Journal Scimago Journal Country 2024年8月8日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that Strategic Management Journal: Vol 45, No 9
Strategic Management Journal: Vol 44, No 12
2023年11月10日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting 百度百科The resourcebased view is an enduring and impactful mainstay of research within strategic management and beyond This editors' introduction to the special issue on “new directions for the resourcebased view” accomplishes two main tasksStrategic Management Journal Wiley Online LibraryThe Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that actively shape the future of Strategic Management Journal: List of Issues Wiley Online
Strategic Management Journal JSTOR
Overall, SMJ provides a communication forum for advancing strategic management theory and practice Such major topics as strategic resource allocation; organization structure; leadership; entrepreneurship and organizational purpose; methods and techniques for evaluating and understanding competitive, technological, social, and political 2017年5月8日 Siriraj Medical Journal or SMJ is an official journal of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital SMJ is an openaccess journal published monthly (12 issues/year Siriraj Medical Journal SIRIRAJ Mahidol University2023年11月10日 Chan, Grace Ming Fen; Lum, Lionel Hon Wai; Tong, Pearl Shuang YeCurrent Issue : Singapore Medical Journal2023年8月1日 SMJ publishes and welcomes submissions of studies with nonresults These types of studies demonstrate a lack of statistical support in a particular sample for specific hypotheses or research propositions Such SMJ Author Guidelines 7 hypotheses or propositions should be straightforward and logical Studies should be conducted rigorouslyAuthor Guidelines Strategic Management Society
Overview Strategic Management Journal Wiley Online
Overview Aims and Scope The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish papers that ask and help to answer important and interesting questions in strategic management, develop and/or test theory, replicate prior studies, explore interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research, and evaluate the many methodologies used in our fieldSMJ also publishes studies 2023年8月8日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that Strategic Management Journal: Vol 44, No 92023年9月6日 主要从事平台战略、数字化转型等方向的案例研究。在SMJ、《管理世界》、《科研管理》等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文10余篇,其中2篇被新华文摘全文转载,1篇被中国社会科学网转载,2篇被学习强国平台转载。我院在国际顶级期刊“Strategic Management Journal”上在线 2023年6月19日 SMJ Author Guidelines 3 SMJ policies and procedures Editorial statement The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence, and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholarsAuthor Guidelines Wiley Online Library
Strategic Management Journal 科研通
2024年6月20日 SMJ also publishes studies that demonstrate a lack of statistical support in a particular sample for specific hypotheses or research propositions We welcome a diverse range of researcher methods and are open to papers that rely on statistical inference, qualitative data, verbal theory, computational models and mathematical models2023年2月5日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that actively shape the future of strategic management scholarship and practiceStrategic Management Journal: Vol 44, No 3 Wiley Online We are pleased to announce that the Singapore Medical Journal has moved to a new website hosted by Wolters KluwerMedknow Visit us at https://journalslww/SMJHome Page SMJ2020年3月15日 SMJ是Strategic Management Society的会刊,战略领域的头牌杂志,主要发表基于行为学和经济学的战略研究。录用论文的methodology比较多样,可以是数学建模,回归,simulation等。相比AMJ的实证论文,感觉SMJ的实证论文理论要求没有那么高。请问各位大佬前辈们 战略管理 领域的journal排名是如何的呢?
Saudi Medical Journal
13 小时之前 Saudi Medical Journal is an open access, peerreviewed, monthly publication Our mission is to disseminate accessible, useful, uptodate, medical information for healthcare professionals of various specialities; and to promote research with clear clinical implications that enriches knowledge locally and internationally2023年10月16日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that actively shape the future of strategic management scholarship and practiceStrategic Management Journal: Vol 44, No 11 Wiley Online 2 天之前 Comparison of the epidemiology of elderly trauma between major trauma centres in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Melbourne, AustraliaLatest Articles Saudi Medical Journal2015年5月18日 By reviewing 110 articles published in SMJ from 1980 to 2012, we identify several critical issues in theorizing and testing of these relationships for which current practice falls short These include insufficient causal argumentation, incorrect testing, mixing up two different types of moderation, and not realizing that the curve can flip Thinking about U: Theorizing and testing U‐ and inverted
Strategic Management Journal SpringerLink
2018年1月1日 SMJ began its journey with three coeditors of recognized prestige within the ambit of the new discipline: Dan Schendel (Purdue University), Ansoff, Igor H (1918–2002) (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) and Derek Channon (Manchester Business School) They founded the journal and oversaw its initial growth and focus At the The Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal is a research journal that publishes original work recommended by a developmental, double anonymized review process conducted by peer scholars Strategic entrepreneurship involves innovation and subsequent changes which add value to society and which change societal life in ways which have significant, sustainable, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Wiley Online Library2024年4月11日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that actively shape the future of strategic management scholarship and practiceStrategic Management Journal: Vol 45, No 5 Wiley Online 2024年1月3日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that actively shape the future of strategic management scholarship and practiceStrategic Management Journal: Vol 45, No 2 Wiley Online
Author Guidelines Wiley Online Library
2022年1月10日 SMJ publishes and welcomes submissions of studies with nonresults These types of studies demonstrate a lack of statistical support in a particular sample for specific hypotheses or research propositions Such hypotheses or propositions should be straightforward and logical Studies should be conducted rigorouslySMJ also publishes studies that demonstrate a lack of statistical support in a particular sample for specific hypotheses or research propositions We welcome a diverse range of researcher methods and are open to papers that rely on statistical inference, qualitative data, verbal theory, computational models and mathematical modelsStrategic Management Journal 影响因子、索引、排名2023年8月16日 今日有更新期刊: 《Economic History Review》:Volume 76, Issue 3 August 2023 《经济理论与经济管理》:2023年第43卷第7期 《SMJ》:Volume 44, Issue 9 September 2023 公众号未发布期刊新文献资料在 “文献交流群” 中直接发送文档,以减少每日工作顶刊速递 《Strategic Management Journal》(战略管理杂志 2024年6月20日 期刊介绍 As the official journal of the Birmingham, Alabamabased Southern Medical Association (SMA), the Southern Medical Journal (SMJ) has for more than 100 years provided the latest clinical information in areas that affect patients' daily livesSouthern Medical Journal 科研通
Strategic Management Journal: Vol 45, No 3 Wiley Online
2024年2月11日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that actively shape the future of strategic management scholarship and practice2024年9月7日 The Strategic Management Society helps its members advance their careers, grow their professional networks, promote their research, stay uptodate on new developments in the field, and make lasting contributions that actively shape the future of strategic management scholarship and practiceStrategic Management Journal: Early View Wiley Online 2023年9月4日 Research Summary How firms strategically balance legitimacy and distinctiveness has garnered significant attention but reflects inconsistent perspectives This inconsistency may stem from the inhereStrategic Management Journal Wiley Online Library4 天之前 Please observe the SMJ Author Guidelines, SEJ Author Guidelines, and GSJ Author Guidelines These documents contain information about the SMS journals’ submission processes, editorial policies, ethical policies, style, and Submissions for SMS Journals SMS
Strategic Management Journal Wiley
2022年5月11日 SMJ is the official journal of the Strategic Management Society Permissions Request permission to reuse content from this site 关于我们 关于我们 工作机会 公司文化 公司管理 公司投资人 领导团队 新闻动态 Wiley基金会 支持与帮助 帮助 联系我们 网站导航 2013年2月5日 A firm's innovativeness is driven by its ability to recombine existing technologies Elaborating on this argument, we contend that there exist two distinct types of recombinant capabilities First, fStrategic Management Journal Wiley Online Library2024年7月9日 1 Specialty Editor (Cardiology), Singapore Medical Journal, Singapore 2 EditorinChief, Singapore Medical Journal, Singapore Email: [ protected] This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike 40 Unported, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Singapore Medical Journal LWWSMJ publishes monthly continuing medical education (CME) articles with online CME quizzes that have been preapproved for the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) Category 3B CME Programme In each issue of the SMJ, at least two CME articles are published The passing mark for each CME quiz is 60%, and one CME point per quiz is awarded for CME SMJ Singapore Medical Journal
The entry‐deterring effects of synergies in complementor
2024年7月4日 1 INTRODUCTION Complementors are crucial for value creation in a platform market While the platform owner creates the infrastructure and plays an orchestrator role, complementors offer complementary products, services, and functionalities, influencing the quantity, quality, and diversity of experience that a platform can provide to consumers 2024年10月29日 SMJ also publishes studies that demonstrate a lack of statistical support in a particular sample for specific hypotheses or research propositionsAs an academic journal with profound influence on the field of strategic management, it provides a platform for as well Strategic Management JournalSTRATEGIC MANAGE J 2013年4月5日 We investigate whether superior performance on corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies leads to better access to finance We hypothesize that better access to finance can be attributed to (1Corporate social responsibility and access to finance